Whos’ this Shubhrum anyway..?

A native of a small Dharamsala town in the Himalayan hills, I am now living in the Ahmedabad.

Being a graduate in Interior Architecture and Design, at National Institute of Design I majored in Lifestyle Product Design. My life is currently in transition, but I still know that it is centred around my family (biological and beyond), seeking truth, and knowing and serving my Heavenly Father. This blog is an attempt to process my journey, share what I learn, and testify to God’s goodness.

My name is Shubhrum Pun. I am a designer, an artist, a Lone Traveller and a general nerd. Needless to say, free time is hard to come by, but when it does you will find me drawing, Reading, or making art. Inspirations are (in no particular order): children; coffee, collage, Football, old records, art blogs, old magazines, Emotions and observing people around me.

I love people. I love to cook, drink good wine and enjoy good company and sparkling conversation.

I am passionate about materializing ideas derived from the possibilities and limitations, of the physical world.

I love writing but don’t do it often enough, so to begin with I am blogging. This “about me” you may realize, is not complete in the least, but it will give you a taste of who I am and who I am is designed to give you a taste of my meaning of life.

That is what I am about. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride of life.

  1. It is a gud write up…..though I know a lot of this “About me”……its beautiful and beyond…..:)

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